Welcome to Homeschooling, Georgia!
Our goal is to serve homeschoolers in Georgia by becoming the ultimate resource for your family.
We're here for you, so reach out and ask for help if you need it!
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What We Do
GHEA is a member supported, non-profit association that serves homeschoolers in Georgia. We are committed to the advancement of home education and the protection of every family's right to home educate.
Support GHEA While You Shop
Our Affiliate Partners support GHEA every time you shop with them. Use our links for an easy, no-hassle way to support homeschooling in Georgia.
Find Your Place
We're on this journey together, so let's help each other out. Find a support group in your area to receive and provide encouragement.
Looking for ways to supplement your homeschooling?
A well rounded education encompasses a wide range of academics and activities. It's easy to get overwhelmed. We're fortunate in Georgia to have a large community of partners available to offer assistance. From one on one tutoring, to classes for homeschooled students to enrichment activities and sports teams, GHEA is here to help you find ways to supplement your efforts at home.
If you offer a resource to homeschooling families, whether it is academic or otherwise, you can submit your information to our database so others can find and contact you. To connect with the homeschool community, visit this page and submit your information.