Recordkeeping is an important part of homeschooling through high school. It does not have to be complicated. Good records will provide information of your student’s coursework for prospective employers, colleges, or even the military. Even if your student does not plan on college it is wise to keep records. Plans change and trying to go back and remember what your student accomplished in ninth grade will be challenging and possibly incomplete.
Your records will track your student’s coursework and grades earned during high school. Records should also include your student’s extra-curricular activities or special opportunities such as mission trips. Along with a transcript, your records should paint a clear picture of your child, their interests, abilities and achievements.

Academic records should include a transcript which should be a one-page summary of your student’s course, grades and credits. Academic records will also include standardized test scores, grading percentages, course descriptions and other details related to your students class work, such as textbook titles and scope and sequences.
Personal records will include the student’s extra-curricular activities such as sports, volunteerism, mentoring programs, performing arts, mission trips and honors or recognitions. This information is often best presented in a resume format or as a second page to your transcript.
It is best to develop a system of recordkeeping that works best for you. It may be a three ring binder or a file folder. You may choose to record information on your computer. It is best to choose a system that is simple and to keep backups.
Some colleges in the University System of Georgia (USG) will require a portfolio of your student’s high school years. Many USG colleges provide a form which may be used to provide the portfolio information. If you must develop your own, while it is best to keep the portfolio simple, it will include more details than a one page transcript. Portfolios can include details such as course descriptions, the books used in the courses a student completed, syllabi from any dual enrollment courses, a reading list, work samples such as essays or art work, any certifications or awards, recommendation letters from other instructors who worked with your student, a list of field trips or outside classes.
While it is tempting to think of a portfolio as a scrapbook, most post-secondary institutions prefer something simple. This is a chance to provide a more complete picture of your child’s achievements, but you don’t want to drown the admissions department personnel in details.