Homeschooling preschool aged children is simply a matter of doing what comes naturally. Play!
Children under the age of five learn best by doing. While it may seem easy to you, for them it’s work and lays the foundation for future learning. Most retailers today have a vast array of developmentally appropriate toys and games that are educationally inclined and will help your child learn in a variety of ways. Even something as innocuous as pretend play is a form of learning for small children. Simply talking to children teaches them a great deal. Sorting, counting, talking about colors, setting the table, helping around the house; all of these are learning opportunities.

Reading to your child has a host of benefits and is recommended to take place daily. Even if your child doesn’t seem to be paying attention, their brain is taking it all in. Learning during this time should be fun for both you and the child. The time for formal academics will arrive soon enough. Because children of preschool age tire quickly try to keep any kind of formal learning activities short. Follow your child’s cues for the best experience for both of you. Have fun and enjoy this time. It will go by quickly!
Recommended Resources for Preschool
- The Three R’s by Ruth Beechick
- Making the Most of the Preschool Years by Valerie Bendt
- Slow and Steady, Get Me Ready by June Oberlander.