Name of OrganizationMindsets Learning, Inc.
Organization Phone Number(917) 325-3680
Organization Email AddressEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Organization Facebook
Services Offered
  • Online
Ages Served
  • Middle School
Subjects Taught
  • Math
  • Science
Program Description

Mindsets boosts learners interest and understanding of math through authentic, real world learning . Mindsets answers the question: 'why do I need to learn this?" "when will I ever use this?" Mindsets packages the real world application of math skills which learners are expected to know and master.

Mindsets is fun and collaborative - students are not isolated, working on their own. Instead, Mindsets enables learners, parents, family & friends to work together to solve a real world problem. Learners share their results and explain their logic and reasoning , analyzing data and making recommendations just like you would in a real world job or life setting.

Mindsets Challenges are currently available for middle school grades 6, 7 and 8 and some limited edition Challenges for high school math. Mindsets Challenges are searchable through a wide range of real world topics, including sport, environment and entrepreneurship. Family plans start at $13 per month for up to 5 family members and discounted annual plans of $149 per year per family are also available.