Welcome to your very own customizable homeschool planner!

Number of Children
Do you have one child or ten children? You can print only one of each page or you can print ten. You can print one copy of certain pages and multiple copies of other pages. You determine what you need, and that is what you print.
Ages and Stages
Are your children in elementary school or high school? You will find resources for organizing your homeschool for all the different ages and stages of learning.
Planning Style
Do you like to plan your schooling schedule by the month or by the week? Do you like to have a yearly overview? Do you like writing notes in a calendar format or on lines? There are a variety of yearly, monthly, and weekly calendar and planning pages for you to choose from.
School Schedule & Method
Do you follow a traditional school schedule, taking a break in the summer, or do you school year-round? Does a looping schedule or block schedule work well for your family? Are you a delight-directed/unschooling family? You will find pages to accommodate all of these unique school schedules and methods in here.
Beyond Academic Subjects
Do you want to take a look at your children’s learning styles and record which curriculum is best suited to them? Do you want to keep a record of field trips? Are there books you would like your children to read this year? There are pages for all of these and more that will help you keep track of your children’s learning experiences. Whether you are a very scheduled person or you like flexibility in your days, this customizable homeschool planner is designed to meet your family’s needs. Time to get started!
What You'll Find Inside
- Attendance Tracking & Calendars
- General Lesson Planning
- Helpful Items for the Teacher (that's you!)
- High School Specific Items
- Download a Sample