What is it?
The Declaration of Intent (DOI) registers your child as a homeschooler with the state of Georgia. This documentation must be completed each school year that the child homeschools. The parent or legal guardian must submit this form to the Georgia Department of Education within 30 days of starting their homeschool program, and by September 1st each year after that.
Parents of young Students: Normally you begin filing the DOI on the year that your child turns 6 on or before September 1st. But if your child was in a public school kindergarten for more than 20 days, go ahead and file the DOI even if the child is younger than 6.
Parents of High School Students: Even though the compulsory attendance age in Georgia is 16, you must continue to submit a Declaration of Intent throughout his/her high school years until s/he completes his/her home study program. Failure to do so would establish the child as a dropout.
If you are withdrawing your child from public or private school in order to homeschool, you should withdraw him/her before filing the Declaration of Intent*. If you are withdrawing the child mid-year, you may include the days completed at the public or private school as part of the 180 homeschool days, so date your start date for the 12-month school period based on when s/he started public or private school.
*Updated info on withdrawing from public school: Public schools in Georgia are required to have proof that your child is transferring to a different school or being homeschooled. The State Department of Education is mandated to provide your DOI to your local school system. But if the local school doesn't receive your DOI within 45 days of withdrawal, they are directed to refer the matter to the Division of Family and Children Services of the Department of Human Services to conduct an assessment. In order to prevent that, GHEA recommends that you provide a copy of your DOI to the school on the day that you withdraw, or very shortly thereafter.
What information must I include on this form?
- Names and ages of your students (NOTE: Georgia Law does NOT require you to indicate “Special Ed” )
- Location of the home study program (your home address)
- District or local school system in which the home study program is located
- 12-month period for the school year of the home study program
- Parent’s signature (parent name/digital parent signature code if filing online)
Where can I find this form and how do I file it?
The Declaration of Intent form can be found on the Georgia Department of Education website. You can file this form online, by mail, or by fax. It is highly recommended that you file online in order to receive a digital parent signature. GHEA recommends that you retain copies of your DOI with the digital signature code, as this code is often requested by state agencies for documenting your student’s homeschool status.
Filing Online
The link below will take you to the online Declaration of Intent form on the DOE website. You do not need to complete the date or parent signature portions. This will be filled in automatically once you submit the form. Be aware that you will need Adobe Reader Software to complete this form properly and will need to allow popups from the DOE page on your browser.
IMPORTANT!!! Once you have completed and submitted this form, it will appear in a new window with a unique 36 character code in the parent signature line. DO NOT leave this page until you have made a copy of this form with that parent signature code! This is your official record of homeschooling in Georgia and the online form is not considered proof without the signature code. You should keep copies of each annual DOI form in your personal school records. GHEA also recommends making more than one copy, perhaps a digital and paper copy.
Georgia Online Declaration of Intent
Filing by mail or fax
If you do not have access to a computer, the link below will take you to a printable form from the DOE website which you can mail or fax to the Georgia Department of Education. If you choose to mail your DOI, GHEA recommends sending by USPS registered mail, signature receipt requested. If you choose to fax your DOI, GHEA recommends retaining a copy of the printed “sent fax” report.
IMPORTANT!! Make a copy of this form with the parent signature before you mail it. This is your official record of homeschooling in GA. You should keep copies of this in your personal school records.
Georgia Printable Declaration of Intent
Mail the form to:
Georgia Dept of Education
Home School Division
2053 Twin Towers East
205 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive SE
Atlanta, GA 30334
You may also fax the form to: (770) 344-4623