Have additional questions? Need help making a decision? Stuck and don't know where to turn?
GHEA has veteran homeschooling moms that will happily assist you with a variety of issues. Send us an email using the form below or leave a message with our volunteer phone counselors and someone will respond to your inquiry.
Remember - you don't have to walk this journey alone. We all started somewhere, and we all have faced issues along the way. We're here to serve your family, and want to help in any way we can.
GHEA Volunteer Hotline: 770-461-3657
GHEA ayuda y orienta a las familias hispanas que hacen homeschool (Educan a sus hijos en casa).
Si usted necesita cualquier tipo de guía para su homeschool, por favor deje un mensaje con su nombre y número de teléfono. Un consejero de habla hispana se comunicará con usted a la brevedad posible. Nos dará mucho gusto servirle a usted y su apreciable familia.
We're here for you