Group Details

Support Group NameThrive Christian Homeschool of Ga
Group Facebook
Email AddressEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Group Meeting LocationMarietta 30066
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How often does the group meet?Two days a week
Is the size of your group limited?Yes
What do you offer to members of your group? (check all that apply)
  • Park days
  • Field trips
  • Co-op
Brief description of the group.

THRIVE is a Non-Profit Christian Homeschool Co-op. We implement teaching methods to meet the different learning styles and offer opportunities to local home educating families to join with others to accomplish those aspects of education that are best pursued in a group setting or which are most difficult for many parents to teach. We want to build a community and lifelong friendships! We offer a community that is more than just showing up for an occasional event or field trip. Since we are a parent led co-op, we know our children’s friends, develop friendships among ourselves, and provide support for one another.
Parents retain full responsibility for the education of their children and must fulfill state requirements for home education.

Number of families in the group?25
Dues amount?$650 per family per year
Statement of faith required?Yes