Group Details

Support Group NameDeKalb Christian Home Educators (DCHE)
Group Facebook
Email AddressEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Group Meeting LocationDekalb County 30039
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How often does the group meet?Weekly
Is the size of your group limited?Yes
What do you offer to members of your group? (check all that apply)
  • Field trips
  • Co-op
Brief description of the group.

Our purpose is to provide Christ-centered support to the entire homeschooling family. For 31 years, DeKalb Christian Home Educators (DCHE) has gathered for mutual support and encouragement by sharing resources and educational opportunities with homeschooling families because "We believe that relationships are the key to a quality education."
Every Wednesday from 9 am to 4 pm, DCHE offers activities such as Bible Quizzing, Science Olympiad, robotics, chess, Spanish, and Toastmasters. We also coordinate social events like science & history fairs, Scripps Spelling Bees, graduations, Field Day, field trips, and community service projects tailored for kids as young as 4 years old. As we share our personal experiences, our struggles and/or victories, we learn from each other.

Number of families in the group?41
Dues amount?$40 per year
Statement of faith required?No