Accreditation is a process under which the services and operations of an educational institution or program are evaluated by an external body (accrediting agency) to determine if applicable standards (set by the accrediting agency) are being met. If the standards are met, accredited status is granted by the accrediting agency. In the United States, this process is independent of the government and is performed by private organizations.
Accredited public schools must adhere to the criteria set by the state in which they operate, however, accreditation is still granted by private accrediting agencies.
Is accreditation required? Should I seek accreditation?
Accreditation is not required in order to complete a home study program. Additionally, accreditation is not required for admission into colleges, universities, and technical schools. Accreditation is also not required for eligibility for Georgia’s HOPE/Zell Miller Scholarships or HOPE/Zell Miller Grants.
Individuals in favor of accreditation say it simplifies the transcript and college admissions process for the homeschool parent. Individuals not in favor of accreditation say it is more costly and limits you to whatever is offered or approved by the program. Accreditation is a personal choice for each homeschool family.
What are the accredited options for homeschoolers?
Most accredited options for homeschoolers are offered at the high school level by independent organizations. Enrollment requirements, policies, and costs vary depending on the program.
Who accredits homeschool programs in Georgia?
Here are some common accreditation agencies. This list is intended as a guideline and may not be exhaustive.
State-Level Accreditation (may or may not be recognized outside of Georgia):
GAC - Georgia Accrediting Commission
Regional Accreditation: